SmartLife Members Mark and Valerie Korman have lived in Lancaster for over 35 years. During that time, they have purposely and carefully created their best life doing all the things they love—in a home they love.
Mark, 68, and Val, 67, both retired about 10 years ago, Val from teaching third grade in the Penn Manor School District, Mark from a career as a Managing Director of Title Insurance with Berkshire Hathaway. The couple took the time to carefully design and build their beautiful home nestled near the Little Conestoga Creek. In addition to breathtaking views overlooking the Conestoga Country Club, it has a thoughtfully created first-floor living plan that is open and light filled. The woodshop in the Kormans’ home includes everything Mark needs to do what he loves most: listen to sports and work on furniture projects for his family and friends. “My woodshop is just a good place to go,” he says, shrugging.
Mark and Val love to travel, and they enjoy spending time in Florida. But they are always excited to return to Lancaster and all the activities they enjoy so much, like biking, golfing, swimming, and kayaking. They are also “lifelong learners,” regularly attending educational presentations, arts and crafts classes, and performances. The couple gives back to the Lancaster community by volunteering, too. Mark has worked with numerous programs that mentor at-risk innercity kids, and Val volunteers at Schreiber Center for Pediatric Development.
The Kormans raised two sons, both in their 30s and busy with their own families and careers, and they also adopted a “COVID puppy,” a Cavapoo named Isabel. But they say that their favorite role is being grandparents to a newborn baby girl, Lilah Rose.

When speaking to Mark, you quickly realize how passionate he is about protecting his family’s future, both financially and emotionally. “We’ve created this lifestyle we love over time, and at this location,” he explains. “We don’t want it to change, and we want to stay right here.” That’s why the Kormans decided to join SmartLife VIA Willow Valley. Since SmartLife is a true Life Plan at Home program, Members like Mark and Val are able to continue their current lifestyle in their own home, with the security of knowing they are covered if long-term care is ever needed. Their assets are protected with Lifecare, because monthly fees are not increased due to a Member’s need for an increased level of care.
For Mark, that is the true benefit of being a SmartLife Member. “It caps the financial exposure of our estate. That’s really what it’s all about,” he says. Additionally, spouses or other family members don’t have to worry about providing care and services during a health event, allowing them to care about their loved one, not care for them. If the Kormans ever do need care, SmartLife’s Lifecare Coordinators will take care of the many details so the couple can concentrate on healing. And, their sons can support their parents the way they want to—without needing to figure out where ongoing assistance will come from or who will provide it.
The Kormans say that SmartLife gives them the freedom to live exactly the way they desire as they age. They can continue their lifestyle as they planned, knowing they have lifelong security for themselves and their family.
“SmartLife has enabled us to live our lives without
worrying about the future,” says Val. “With this peace
of mind, I’m having even more fun spoiling that precious Lilah Rose!”